
FLL Airport Hydrant Fueling System Infrastructure Relocation

Broward County Aviation Department


Fort Lauderdale International Airport Fort Lauderdale, FL


Civil Engineering
As part of the Broward County Aviation Department’s (BCAD’s) airport expansion program at FLL, this project consisted of the relocation of the existing aircraft hydrant fueling system, which was in conflict with the proposed expansion and gate replacement of Terminal 4 and the associated South Runway Expansion. EAC led a team of six specialized sub-consultants for the $21.3M fueling system relocation. The proposed aircraft hydrant fueling system was comprised of a primary 14” double-walled main line and a secondary 12” double-walled line. Both fuel lines are connected to the existing system at Gate F-2, Terminal 3 (on the west side), encircle the proposed Concourse G with a minimum 100’ offset (as per NFPA 415), and connect on the east side of Concourse G near South Terminal Drive. Fourteen new hydrant pits are served from the 12” secondary line with two intermediate valve vaults to isolate sections of the fuel lines during maintenance or an emergency.

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