Civil Engineering

Water and Wastewater

NW South River Drive Drainage Improvements

Town of Medley
Medley, FL
Civil Engineering
Project Overview
The Town of Medley, incorporated in May 1, 1949, is one of Miami Dade County’s oldest municipalities and home to more than 800 residents. NW South River Drive (NWSRD) is the most important and most utilized thoroughfare within the Town; used daily by commuters, commercial trucks, school buses, town services such as meals on wheels, senior transportation services, afterschool programs. The overarching goals of the project were to redevelop NWSRD into a corridor that embodied a complete street vision, embraced multimodal utilization, provided opportunities for pedestrian connectivity, restored a sense of community to the corridor and enhanced the level of operational service offered by the infrastructure. The Town led by Mayor Roberto Martell, adopted the approach & objective that the future NWSRD should incorporate the ideals of “complete streets”, and be beneficial to everyone, regardless of age, ability, income, or ethnicity and that all users would be assured safe and convenient access walking,

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